This blog is an archive of past content (2010-2017) and is not being updated at the moment. As such, some destination information is likely out of date.

Stretched out on the hot sand

Stretched out on the hot sand


This is exactly what I want to be doing right now. And how brilliantly captured by Lithuanian architect turned photographer Tadao Cern in his series "Comfort Zone". The images are not staged and the subjects are unsuspecting and thus kept anonymous. Personally, I've always been inspired by beach scenes because they are a mix of comfort and discomfort (hot and cool; body-pride and body-consciousness).

Cern: "During our everyday life we attempt to hide our deficiencies, both physical and psychological. However, once we find ourselves on a beach, we forget about everything and start acting in an absolutely different manner. Is that because everyone else around you is doing the same? If yes, I would love that the same rules were applied beyond the borders of the beach..."

I'm really not a fan of swimming at crowded beaches but I love going to people watch and feel the general positive buzz. Which reminds me, we spent a scorching August afternoon on New York's Coney Island this summer and I never shared the photos. I think there were some gems in there, so I'll dig them up and post soon. Until then, enjoy Cern's celebration of beach culture.

Cern's images discovered via Wolf Eyebrows.

A bowl full of adrenaline

A bowl full of adrenaline

Whistle + Work

Whistle + Work