This blog is an archive of past content (2010-2017) and is not being updated at the moment. As such, some destination information is likely out of date.

Island Living

Island Living


I have always been incredibly fascinated by island living. While from a distance it seems incredibly romantic, I know it can also be a tough and isolated existence, but none-the-less one that preserves the most unique landscapes and cultures. This fall, I’ll be bringing you a Q & A series called "Island Living" with some fantastic islanders (or ex-islanders) from remote corners of the world. Get ready for the Rapa Nui, Saaremaa, Palau and more…

If you know someone who lives on a remote island and might want to share a bit about their life, leave a comment. This series is hard to research, as you might imagine, so I appreciate any leads.

Island Living: Rapa Nui

Island Living: Rapa Nui

Ise Peninsula, Japan

Ise Peninsula, Japan