This blog is an archive of past content (2010-2017) and is not being updated at the moment. As such, some destination information is likely out of date.

A challenge you say?

A challenge you say?


This blogging adventure has been a hugely positive and rewarding experience, so I was really intrigued by this project by a fellow travel blogger from Todd's Wanderings. Here's what it's all about:

"The Challenge is simple. Build your travel or lifestyle blog to the point where it earns at least $1000 USD per month and gets an average of 1000 visitors/day.

Simple right? Well, maybe not that simple. In fact, we know accomplishing both can be difficult. ...Travel blogging takes time, dedication, and a plan of action. BUT you can succeed, and the Challenge is a way to help each other gain sustainable online income from travel blogging and build a legion of adoring fans (or just some really cool people).

We will do it together, and prove not only that succeeding at travel and lifestyle blogging is possible, but how to do it so others can follow in our footsteps." —Todd

For me personally, the focus won't necessarily be on the numbers, but on being a part of this community and learing along the way. Plus, I'm a sucker for a good challenge, so I'm coming along for the ride...

The Lost Monuments of Ex-Yu

The Lost Monuments of Ex-Yu

